Guiding the Verizon Team and Brand Towards Marketing Success

Managing a marketing campaign is an intricate process. It’s difficult to see the big picture when there are so many aspects to measure and monitor:
- Regulatory updates require constant changes
- Communication materials can expire and become obsolete before they are completely circulated
- Multiple procedural, data management, and supply chain approaches make it difficult to monitor and optimize workflow

To help Verizon faces these challenges, we created a custom storefront platform so they could plan, project, track, manage, monitor, and customize all marketing materials from every campaign to ensure the maximum yield and return on investment. This platform allowed the Verizon marketing team to accurately manage every communication in an efficient and cost-effective way, while giving executives and marketing managers full transparency into regional trends and market opportunities and providing them the ability to respond and adapt their marketing materials — which, in turn, improved their sales.
active Verizon MDU regional sales managers
orders comprised of over 6,000,000 total pieces
unique marketing products